
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Pasteurized versus Raw

Milk was already caught up in culture wars due to a backlash against veganism, and veganism is anyway caught up in conspiracy theories, but now the milk argument has expanded in another direction: pasteurized or raw?
I could go on about how as a kid, I tried milk fresh from a cow's udder, or how, before I was vegan, we owned a goat and drank her milk unpasteurized for years. Never a problem. 
I could also add that Frans von Soxhlet's idea to pasteurize milk definitely saved many lives, and with intensive farming, is, especially needed. 
But who cares?
The question, the argument, the democrats versus republicans, liberals versus conservatives and so on, as to whether we should drink raw or pasteurized cow's milk is unnecessary and absurd. 
A bunch of grown adults bickering about the best way to consume baby food. From another species. 
Left, right, liberal, libertarian, whatever, stop drinking milk! Problem solved.
For the ones who believe that they are thinking for themselves by not following "suspect" governmental health advice (and the rabbit hole that leads down), and for the others who think they're so smart because only idiots drink raw milk, you're all being manipulated, and you're all being pretty stupid.
You don't need bovine baby food to be healthy. You've fallen for Big Dairy propaganda.
You are not living in an era or area where drinking milk is a necessity. Stop this nonsense.
Leave the cows, goats, sheep, horses alone. It's their milk for their babies, you weirdos.πŸ˜€
It's amazing to hear people complain about phytoestrogens in soya yet they drink cow's milk. 
And there's nothing like grown ass men going online to defend their right to drink baby food from another species.   



Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Truth About Veganism

Veganism is not a fad diet to lose weight and/or get more healthy.

It has nothing to do with fasting. Vegans don’t only eat fruit.

It is not about amassing online followers with your groovy, plant based lifestyle.

It is not a diet!

Veganism is an ethical stance against any form of animal exploitation.

One can be an unhealthy vegan. Or a super healthy one. That’s up to the vegan.

The chances are that when a celebrity or content creator stops being vegan, they never truly were. They were on a diet.

Although, veganism is highly beneficial for the environment, animal agriculture being the second highest cause of Climate Change, one should never lose sight of animal liberation.

Veganism is a potent package that can free animals from exploitation, combat climate change and other environmental issues, and deter and reverse certain diseases, including, possibly, deterring harmful viruses. Surely, one of those benefits can shift your cultural conditioning, just a tad, are you not even curious to try some amazing plant based foods?

Otherwise, we’re trapped in a cycle of abuse. Animals, earth, earth, animals, leading to our own self-destruction.

So, make the initial change for anthropocentric concerns, if you must. Do it out of curiosity. But stick with it for the animals.

Make a small change then steadily expand to everything you eat, drink, wear, use. The more we do it, the more they will strive to come up with satisfying alternatives. We have the power.

Don’t buy into Big Ag propaganda and political rhetoric. Veganism is not an evil, elitist plot to take over the world by weakening humanity. It’s a key factor in saving us. I’ll say it again, we have the power!

Come on, let’s change our food system to one that doesn’t rely on abusing the earth and animals.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The oppression of the earth and other problems

Humans have colonized and oppressed the earth and all its non- human inhabitants. 

Using the typical justifications of the oppressor (superiority, divine right, progress), humans has overrun the earth trampling, gouging, abusing, devouring, killing. 

This out of balance world view has set the tone for human to human interaction. We see bullying and abuse in relationships, work places, families, schoolyards. We see sexism, racism, bigotry. 


Why do people insist on having heroes, someone to idolize? Why do we default to the good versus bad narrative when our hero turns out to be not so great after all? 

We can establish that the US is corrupt, hypocritical and violent without becoming Putin apologists. We can realize that the Democrats are not on the side of the people without believing that Trump is. We won't find our salvation in Republicans or Democrats, Labor or Tories and all their equivalents world-wide. Not in the populist right wing parties rearing their ugly heads. Not in any existing political system as long as capitalism, patriarchy and hierarchy are still present. (And that includes all the so-called communist regimes).

When you side with any of these parties, seeing them as the way forward to save the day, you are, inadvertently, aiding their terrible agendas. In other words, nothing will significantly change for the better, but will get worse. 

When you disseminate any form of climate change denial, and/or fall for anti-lgbtq+, and/or anti-vegan propaganda you become a mouthpiece for the powerful, you are doing their dirty work by keeping the people divided, by enabling cruelty, by allowing them to maintain wealth while destroying the planet. You are keeping them in power as we squabble. You are keeping things as they are which is exactly what they want. 

For all those who harp on about big pharma, what about big agriculture? Big oil? 

It is definitely right to be skeptical of huge corporations. But then one must interrogate the capitalist system we live under, interrogate any system that thrives on power. If the goal of profit and power is removed, then trust is reestablished.    

When you subscribe  to culture war rhetoric, you dismiss centuries of oppression, thus ignoring the reasons the oppressed have, finally, become so outspoken. You fall for the trap of division instead of taking your valid criticisms of current governments to their proper conclusions. That being, they want to stay in power and will do whatever it takes to get votes, be it fueling fear of change, or offering lip service to progressive mind sets. Don't fall for any of it. 

And while "liberal" governments encourage less meat eating, they, nonetheless, carry on with business as usual. This hypocrisy is frustrating, infuriating. But that's all that it is, hypocrisy, not a devious plan to weaken humanity by taking away our meat. Believing that is falling for big agriculture misinformation to confuse and deceive the public. It is falling for conspiracy theories that only serve to keep humanity trapped in fear, division, and on an eternal quest for a savoir.  

When you realize that the system doesn't benefit the people and that politicians only talk the talk, don't succumb to divisive and conspiratorial rhetoric, use your imagination to see beyond the current system. It's mind fucking to hear governments advocate for climate change solutions, while, simultaneously, continuing to support the same harmful deals and practices that have caused it. All those in power KNOW anthropogenic climate change is real, but they are not prepared to change the system and therefore shunt the responsibility to lower emissions onto the public.

But there is good news. Going vegan is actually something that the public can do to help. Going vegan is empowering. We have the power to change things. We can make significant change for the better with our purchases.

Veganism is an essential part of a paradigm shift that will usher in compassion and environmental repair. 

We are what we have been waiting for. 


Holy War.

An oxymoron of the worst kind.

How can war be holy? What kind of loving God promotes violence?

Surely scriptures that promote violence are expressing the thoughts of humans and not that of a divine being. 

A convenient mistranslation? 

A genuine misinterpretation of a metaphorical, spiritual battle?

Is the bible not simply a book of myths? Like myths from many cultures, should not all holy books be viewed as guidance from elders woven into stories? Stories from a past age that don't always apply to modern times. Stories that have been meddled with and mistranslated to promote a patriarchal agenda: war, punishment, sexism, homophobia, violence. 

Interpretations that cultivate the worst in humanity, keeping us in perpetual division. 

One might argue that violence is forbidden by scripture. That violent passages have been exaggerated by critics. But violence in the name of religion has occurred and still does.

So maybe, despite what bigoted and brainwashed people claim, the problem is not another's religion but all religions.


Traditionally, women have been told they are too emotional to be rational and, consequently, unfit to take part in worldly matters where a rational and realistic mind is required. 


Consider this, men are associated with anger, often uncontrollable anger. Anger is an emotion. An emotion that can lead to violence. 

Look at the state of the world. How's the anger working out?

Maybe, it's not that women are too emotional to be rational, rather that their emotions tell them, very rationally, that violence, war and revenge are ruinous and cruel and this is no way to live. Maybe, because this outlook doesn't suit patriarchy, women (other than the ones that tow the line and then some) have been kept out of power positions. Maybe, women know that men are too emotional.

Male energy gone wrong, toxic if you like. Childish. 

War. A boy's game turned into a sick reality.

The ending of the first Godfather perfectly expresses this point.

One of Michael Corleone's men closes the door on Michael's wife, Kay, leaving her alone in the hallway

Yes, you can analyze this as Michael having fully given in to the dark forces of his family, but that door closing on her, strikes me as such a powerful expression of men banning women from the so called real world, a place where violence, war and revenge are planned. A world that the delicate female nature can't handle.  Women would only try to discourage such actions without understanding the necessity of them. Without understanding the "real world".

But is this dismissal of female energy actually more a way for men to squash guilt, remorse and compassion? To close their minds and hearts to peace and reconciliation? Is female energy marginalized and controlled because it is a powerful warning that our world can not sustain such ongoing anger and destruction? Such greed?

I mean this in general terms because there are, certainly, women who are disposed to violence. I speak more about female energy that anyone can access.  



Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Some more thoughts on a much needed anthem.



I'm all for people living where they want to live, individually or in cultural groups. A borderless world. 

Borders. A man-made concept. 

With only natural borders, humans were initially free to roam the earth*. But then or now, nomadic or settled, there must always be respect for others' territory. Like non-human animals, humans claim their territory, the place they call home, be it temporary or permanent. We need to feel safe, we need to feel connected. I don't have a problem with shifting, ethnic demographics, a natural occurrence over time as people come and go. Not calculated, not forced, but with respect for the current inhabitants, their home, their safety, their connection to the land. Settler colonialism denies this respect. 

Formed borderless (other than naturally occurring ones), the earth belongs to all of us. From the beginning, it seems, humans were compelled to move across the earth. Curiosity? Necessity? Restlessness? Whatever the reasons then or now, movement should always be welcomed. Moving to, migrating, immigrating is not colonialism. It is not taking over, not ethnic cleansing. Political rhetoric that fear mongers about the onslaught of terrifying refugees is a typical tactic to gain power by offering false solutions, by scape goating the vulnerable.** And usually propagated by countries with colonial history. Scared of their own crimes coming back to them? 


Some will argue, that one shouldn't take a side. It's complex, it's their issue, it's unfair because both sides have a point. That may be so in a situation where both sides are equal, but an oppressed people are always at a disadvantage. Military might presses down, propaganda justifies the assault, aiming to confuse the public and sway them in favor of the oppressor. Or worse, relegate the oppressed to the margins of public consciousness.  (And just because there are always two sides, that doesn't mean both sides are valid).

In these cases, one must always side with the downtrodden. In other words siding with freedom, justice, anti-colonialism, anti-violence, equality. 

This does not mean that all oppressed people are faultless. There are no purely good and bad people/sides, but there is a power imbalance, and power can twist the minds and hearts of those who possess it leading to acts of shocking brutality. 

Yet, despite the callousness and cruelty it also does not mean that the culture and ethnicity of the oppressor should be thoroughly demonized, but one can and should harshly criticize the cultural mind-set and consequent actions, keeping in mind that they too could, potentially, act like that if brought up with such dreadful cultural conditioning.

All peoples have the capability to be the oppressor, as do all people have faults. Like borders, cultures and countries are also man-made. In the end, with our many identifies striped away, we are all just people with the same basic needs. 

As we were in the beginning. 

For humanity to evolve, it's important to see the horrible acts of injustice as power gone wrong. Keep focused on what desperately needs to be righted, keep fighting for truth and justice without succumbing to simple narratives of good versus bad. Otherwise, we will never escape the cycle of trauma and violence that is, tragically, such a feature of the human story. 

Yet, if escaped, we will stop creating cultures where such barbarity can thrive. Cultures, corporations and politicians reflect our stagnant evolution. Around and around, the same ol' story. Break free and move on.

Having said that, despite one's compassion, and zeal for social and global justice, when we look at humanity as a whole, (excepting some remaining indigenous tribes), we see that we are the colonizers of the earth. We are the oppressors of animals. Like governments (especially the US and Israel, the mini US), and religious institutions, humanity thinks it can act with impunity. Humans are power tripping the earth and all its non-human inhabitants. Our collective attitude is wrong and plays out on the world stage in many forms. Integrity is missing!

I'm not saying anything new here, many have thought and do think along these lines. But we just need more and more and more people on board, and I refuse to accept it is impossible. Not top down changes, but bottom up, people uniting, not dividing over fear of the other and partisan affiliations. These are nonsensical allegiances and world views that only benefit the ruling class. If we come together and create a powerful paradigm shift, the powers that be will naturally topple and merge into a non hierarchal system. What will they have to rule if no one is paying them any heed? There are plenty of intelligent, talented and good hearted people that could work to create societies where technology, resources and funds are used for the good of all. 

This can work in all societies, cultures, countries. When the people truly see they are being manipulated to perpetuate broken and sick systems they will see each other as one.

*Humans never should have settled, but that's another story. 

**The first half of this podcast covers this topic as it relates to Ireland. (Since covid times, US political rhetoric has been steadily making it's way into Ireland).

Also the Blindboy Podcast. An excellent breakdown of the Gaza catastrophe.

A concise and potent speech explaining what happened and what needs to happen to end the ongoing Palestinian Nakba 

Let's use the UN for its original purpose, a world united for peace.

Let's come together in small, self governed communities that look out for one another while celebrating our individuality and diversity. Then let's have those communities make up a world community based on respect and equality for all living things. 

The Geometry of Humanity.

It began with circles. Following the seasonal turn, people followed the path of growth, of harvest, of barren, of blossom. The cycle of give and take.
In time, settled ways displaced the circular. People toiled, they hoarded, manipulating roundness into a manageable shape. Squares piled up until they towered over everything. From on high, the people of the squares scoffed, slashing and smashing the lowly into shape. 
In time, the squares became burdensome, the tower too high for most to climb. The people squinted up at its lofty peak, scrambling for any discarded scraps. 
This is an evolving story. 


Friday, May 17, 2024

Just Dining


The room bustled with activity. Waiters carrying trays scurried from table to kitchen, heat and succulent scents wafting into the dining area every time a waiter passed through the swinging doors. The ripples of laughter and steady murmur of conversation carried the buzz of euphoria, customers knew they were in for a treat. Hadn’t they waited almost a year to get a table. And here they were on Saturday night at the famous Chez Humano. The establishment was packed.

Mr Bear glanced up from his meal and peered through a window that offered a stunning view of a gold red sunset dropping behind a still lake. The silhouette of several shapes moved along the pier.

“What is it,” asked his companion, lifting his face from his plate.

“Ah, I don’t know, I noticed movement there outside.”

His companion licked his fingers. “It’s Saturday night, what do you expect.”

 Mr Bear nodded. “Yeah, but I just read an article this morning on the inter-labyrinth about those crazy protestors, and well…”

“Enjoy your food,” said his companion, licking his plate, “don’t worry about those extremists.”

Mr Bear grunted in agreement and turned back to his food. Slurp, crunch.  His head shot up. “There, again. Look.”

The two stared out the window. A parade of protesters moving towards the restaurant were now plainly in view. Other customers had stopped eating to look out the window, waiters cast nervous glances. One hurried to the kitchen.

The protesters were nearing the entrance as the swinging doors to the kitchen burst open. Chef Boar appeared in the dining area and was promptly flanked by body guards. They moved towards the entrance, but too late, a group of cows, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks stormed into the restaurant.

“You have blood on your hooves, claws and paws,” bellowed a Friesen Red charging through the dining area. Tables toppled, emptying their contents onto the floor. Glass shattered; customers wailed.

Mr Dog nipped at her hooves. Mr Fox snapped at a hen.

“Humans were not put here for us to eat,” bleated a sheep. “Stop the carnage.”

The body guards surrounded them, prodding and pushing them towards the door.

Customers, laughed, others looked away. Many continued to eat.

“Get them out, ouuuttttt,” shouted Chef Boar.

The protesters were corralled and expelled.

“Freedom for all living things,” cackled a hen as the door shut.




Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Newsworthy Headlines that may have been overlooked

Elephants call each other by name, study finds

Beaten and tortured: the north African children paying a bloody price for Europe’s insatiable appetite for cocaine

The Forgotten Genocide: Sudan's Civil War.

(I am becoming more aware of it.)

US rapper Macklemore defends Palestinian rights at German concert |

Ziggy Marley signs letter supporting Israel; also posts ‘free Gaza from Hamas’

German climate activist marks two months of hunger strike

New Film ‘I Could Never Go Vegan’ Unpacks All the Reasons Why, Actually, You Probably Can

Israel State Archives Lose Documents on Missing Yemenite Children Affair

Missing babies: Israel's Yemenite children affair

Jamaica Recognizes Palestine as a State (4 weeks before Ireland)

Anti-Zionist Israeli academic Ilan  detained and interrogated by FBI at airport


Why are activists building treehouses to block Tesla's expansion plans in Germany?

Attacks on West Bank Palestinians (Double Down News)

He Quit the State Department Over US Support for Israel (CNN)
(For a traditional media site, this should have a lot more views.)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Much Needed Anthem


 The people are rising! 

We are not free until Palestine is free.

We are not free until everyone is free.

And that goes for  all living things! 

Ultimately, this is so much bigger than Israel and Palestine, it is about colonialism and the manipulative tactics of politicians/media.
While we need to stay focused on the horrors happening in Gaza, protesting for Palestine is, automatically, a protest against all atrocities and for all human rights. This is pro-truth, pro-peace, pro one love!
Let it sink in: concerning this conflict, Biden and Trump are on the same side. (As are Sunak and Starmer). They both support the funding of the Israeli military. They both condone and encourage the shameful, harmful police brutality committed against US students and faculty. An older, male professor had 9 ribs broken by the police. I've broken 3, it's no joke. It is also important to note that some of the US police are trained by the Israeli military. (Police aggression is, of course, a European problem as well, with police coming down hard on protesters, especially in Germany).
This should make it very clear to everyone that the Democrats and Republicans are not here for the people, but solely money and power. 

The plight of the Palestinians is another sickening example of  the colonial/capitalist world we inhabit. A world that demeans some and elevates others, a world that plunders, enslaves and abuses. A world consumed by power and bereft of compassion. Indifference at best and racist, conniving and cruel at worst.
The people are seeing this now, really seeing it. The plight of the Palestinians and the reaction of Western powers and Israeli officials  has opened our eyes so wide that we can't look away. The binds of conditioning and propaganda are straining as we push forward into a new way of being.
But this awareness, this heartfelt fire for justice and change, for peace has nothing to do with religion and ethnicity. 
Just as the Palestinians didn't chose their oppressor, the protesters didn't chose them either. Therefore, accusing protesters of anti-Semitism is a cop out, a distraction, and a vile smear to undermine valid and needed calls for divestment and a ceasefire. 
Zionism is colonialism and, ultimately, no different than the colonization of land now called the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. (The deeply misguided and brutal Chinese takeover of Tibet along with the Soviet Union-Eastern Bloc era fall into this category too). 
Now, anti Semitism is a real and horrible problem, deeply tied in with the concept of Zionism. Because of European anti-Semitic attitudes and consequent actions, Jewish people have been terrorized and pushed out of their homes, therefore needing to find a place of their own to safely settle. Added to that, the religious aspect plays a huge part: the return to the promised land and the coming of the Messiah. But it is important to understand that Zionism was an English Evangelical concept and that the founder of political Zionism was inspired by an Anglican Priest. 
(Excellent article on this topic)
And the British and fledgling UN are responsible for giving over and partitioning an inhabited land.
Alas, the Palestinians must pay the price for European and American anti-Semitism, and Christian fundamentalism that in turn ignited Judaic fanaticism. And sadder still, that victims of that anti-Semitism became the victimizers. (This, of course, is not to say there are no Islamic extremist, there obviously are. But this situation was not created by them, rather the situation cultivated the fertile soil for such extremism to grow). 

European and US governments hide their own anti-Semitic history and tendencies by siding with Israel and transferring the blame onto Palestinians. They also get rid of Jewish people by sending them to the Middle East

Detractors argue, though not in good faith, that if the pro-Palestinian protestors are genuine they should be protesting all the other wars and atrocities world wide. Why pick and choose unless you're anti-Semitic? 
The answer being that while the West, in some capacity, likely, had/has a hand in any global conflict, the West doesn't blatantly support the bloodshed like it does with Israel and then pretend they are on the side of morality. Such Western gaslighting has awoken public awareness and fuels support for and interest in the horrors happening in Gaza.
And in the case of Ukraine, the West fully supports its right to defend itself against the oppressor, yet in the same breath supports the oppressor of Palestine. Hypocrisy. 
Hypocrisy. Lies. Evasiveness. Omission. Performative outrage. Misleading. Misquoting. Lack of context. 
The tools of suppression and division. See how headlines distort reality and manipulate reactions with calculated wording. Hone in on the language and tone of news reporters and politicians. Hear how they spin the same story to suit an agenda, to manipulate and deceive. Propaganda. To control. To stay in power.

This video really sums up some of the topsy turvy realities of this current moment.
The Kavernacle, "The Rise of Woke Fascism

Naomi Klein's book, "Doppleganger" another excellent breakdown of these crazy times.

And her recent Seder in the Streets speech

For people that have never informed themselves about the founding of Israel, it may be easy to stay in the mindset of, yeah, I know there is a power imbalance, and I know that there was colonization and current occupation, but it's complicated and neither side is really in the right. And don't the Jewish people need their own land after all the horrors they've endured. I don't want to take sides.

I understand this mindset. It is one I have, more or less, had myself.  The full details of the founding of Israel and continued atrocities, have been swept away like the memory of thriving Palestinian villages and cities destroyed and eclipsed by the building of Israel. 
But the utterly shocking and disturbing details are there, found in memoirs, diaries, notes, witness accounts. 
The Israeli historian Ilan  has compiled such information and presents it in a harrowing read called, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine". Mind blowing! The Zionist even assassinated a UN official who advocated for Palestinian right of return. Mind blowing, that the world sanctioned and/or ignored the cruel cleansing campaign especially so soon after the holocaust, and that the founders of Israel committed such atrocities so soon after the holocaust (before and during as well). It is so telling and disturbing that the crimes Israel accuses others of, Israeli soldiers carried out then and still do. Rapes, the burning to death of villagers, and frenzied murder, for example.  
This world movement in all its many forms: street protests, student protests, confronting law makers, disrupting political speeches and events is exciting and necessary. and an example of a positive aspect of the internet. One of the negatives being the conspiracy theories now doing the rounds that undermine the true meaning and impact of  these protests. Yawn! Sigh! These theories usually revolve around a particular Jewish billionaire. Talk about anti-Semitic. 

People who have never broken free of conditioning and stereotypes disparage the youth for pushing beyond the accepted boundaries. They disparage anyone who challenges the status quo. Labelling them as "woke", bleeding hearts, virtue signaling, social justice warriors, naΓ―ve about the ways of the world. For them, change is frightening. 
To avoid change, they will look for heroes to save them. They will believe anything that keeps their world narrowed down to a nice black and white story. A world where all would be where it should be if those pesky protesters would just accept it. Surely. they must be funded, surely, it must be some nefarious plan to take over the world. Peace and unity and rights for all living things, nah, that's not the message. The protesters are actually the evil ones hellbent on ruining civilized society. Anyway, never mind all that "woke" peace and unity, the world is the way it has always been, grow up and get real. 
But deep down these people know there's something wrong with how humanity functions, and it's tragic to see them defending a system that works against them just because they are too scared and unimaginative to envision a world beyond capitalism and hierarchy, beyond rigid notions of West good, East bad, Islam bad. They'd rather succumb to conspiracy theories that, while they contain grains of truth, strengthen division, confusion, and the positions of those in power. Divide and conquer, as they say!

Activism, in its many forms, is how cultures and humanity, at large, evolve.
A culture is not acceptable because it is established, if things are wrong, change is needed.
An all out defense of societal norms is, ultimately, an affront to life.
Change is part of life!

Of course, going against the status quo will also bring out the typical, accusations (as if the following are inherently bad) of Marxist, extreme leftist, and a new one I'm seeing, Marxist-Islamist. These names are now being thrown at professors, students, or anyone who speaks out for Palestinian rights. Same ol' blah blah always used against people that strive for change or stand up for human rights whether they have specifically challenged capitalism or not.  But what makes these accusations against opponents of Israeli apartheid and genocide even more infuriating and sad, as well as humorous, is that David Ben-Gurion (AKA David Gruen), the founder of Israel, identified as a Marxist. Woops! πŸ˜‚
Another example of the topsy turvy world we inhabit.
And another: During covid time, it became blatantly obvious that many with the right leaning, conservative mindset (and, eventually, those with a new age vibe, which became an odd and frustrating crossover. Naomi Klein has an excellent analysis of why this happened), were supporting conspiracy theories based on  anti- Semitic tropes. Many outright knew what they were propagating, others were told, some chose to ignore. Yet, here we are with the 
Gaza horror show and many of these same people side with Israel. A counter protest attacker of the UCLA pro-Palestine encampment was identified as a ardent anti-Semite. They obviously hate Islam more.

Excellent break down of this. 

This shows the utter disingenuousness of their current allegiance and it also confirms what we all know, or should, that Zionism has nothing to do with being Jewish, but has everything to do with supremacy, racism, bigotry and maintaining the power structures of the status quo. (The pro Palestinian protester now labelled anti-Semitic, were, in many case, the same people calling out the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists during covid).
That they align with Israeli occupation and barbarism is not, in any way, surprising, it was an obvious outcome from the get go. But it is incredibly sad. It thwarts the evolution of humanity and the potential to create a better world for all. 
During covid they ranted on and on about freedom and toppling the elite. They posted ad nauseum about the lying mainstream media, how we were being divided with culture wars and kept down with fear. And here when the path is right before them to unite with the people and achieve their goals, they side with the prevailing narrative and power structures. This is a movement they were dreaming of, where are they now? 
Sadly, they have always found excuses to dismiss positive, powerful movements. Looking for any flaws to discredit them, honing in on any bad apples. bitching about the media when they don't like a particular spin, but gulping down any perspective that confirms their bias. They would rather align themselves with their neo-liberal enemies then welcome in change. There is one (and maybe a couple more) American politician who does not support money going to Israel, but his reasoning is not based on compassion for Palestinians, but rather keeping American money in America. For what? I would wager not to feed, house and educate the poor. Nor for free medical care.

Bigotry, racism, sexism are all symptoms of fear exploited by those in power.

Challenging the West's status quo will also bring out the same ol' allegations that Russia/China (as well as Middle Eastern countries) are behind the movement. Currently, TikTok is in the hot seat, with claims that through this platform China is successfully propagandizing the American youth to be pro-Palestine. Utterly ludicrous, not only because TikTok data is dealt with by a US company owned by a huge Zionist supporter, but also because it's implying that young people would never be outraged by genocide of their own accord. 
And on that note. How can one NOT be outraged? How can anyone defend mass murder? Or barging into someone's home, kicking them out and expelling them. Or lining up the males from 10 to 50 and executing them. I could go on and on with the historical and present crimes Israel has/is committed/committing. Indefensible! 
People can use biblical (you gotta love that God ordained violence), and historical reasons to defend the decades long violence against Palestinians. They can insist there is no such thing as Palestine (what does that even really mean? All countries are made up. Sammy Obeid has some good jokes about this thought process. 
Even if all the arguments they can come up with were logical and true, what has happened and is happening to the Palestinians is indefensible and it really says a lot about a person (their conditioning/brainwashing, their defensiveness and lack of compassion) if they aim to justify such crimes. 
Even if all the arguments were logical and true, there were people already established on the land that the Zionist coveted, you can't just waltz in and expel, brutalize and kill them. 
So, ignore these arguments. It excuses NOTHING!
There are times when we can understand how someone gets to the mental and emotional place where they do harm to others, but it should never, ever be condoned. This is not about excusing one side. Ultimately, this is not about taking sides. The only side is freedom and peace. For all peoples. No one should feel threatened, no one should be brutalized and/or murdered. This is about shedding light on a system that feeds the lucrative war machine through manipulation. Let's not fall for it anymore. Let's not do their work for them by taking sides. Let's look at humanity as a whole and always, always strive for peace.