Human existence is partly
made up of how we identify. Our likes, dislikes and talents, our allegiance to
family, community, country. Patriotism. Political affiliation. Religion. It is
how others see us. In short, to be human, to become self-aware is to identify
with something even if that involves un-identifying with learned identities.
Many identities are learned and limited to accepted societal norms.
Change is synonymous with
life. Our existence is made up of personal and physical changes, as well as
environmental. From daily changes of awake to sleepy. Angry, sad happy. To
growing and aging over the years. To our world around us changing with the turn
of the seasons and phases of moon and tide.
New words and concepts
enter our vocabulary as society evolves (changes). With change comes
resistance. Change struggles and pushes against resistance, that in turn,
pushes harder against change. The more identification is oppressed, the more
boldly it identifies. Like so-called weeds in a garden, they too want respect,
we are also here, we also have worth. You can rip us up, but we will keep
growing and fighting for the light. This struggle births the change. Change,
being an inevitable part of life, will always prevail.
Cisgender denotes the
changing perception of gender identity. It acknowledges a wider understanding
of gender identification and how it operates in society and how norms limit expression not only for transgender, but all people. It seeks to break through
societal norms and break open barriers.
Cisgender is an
invitation to align with change and to show respect for all people in and
outside of the current norm.
No Escape
It waits in the shadows. Biding
its time. Prowling the periphery of countries, of counties, of cities and
countryside. It knows the walls of resistance are thick and seemingly
impenetrable. But it waits. For what else can it do.
Oh, they’ll create stories to
keep things under control. Keep things familiar. Stories so powerful they
pervade minds over millennia. But the cracks in the walls are what it seeks,
that thin ray of light it can push through and widen, widen, widen.
Build the walls higher, they
shout. More stories! But Change will always prevail. It and life are