My thoughts on the differences between Democrat politicians and Republican ones (and their counterparts world-wide).
The Democrats pay lip service to progressive ideals while supporting environmental and climate destruction, and the same ol' hierarchical setup of rich and poor. They bring nothing new, for while they claim to champion change, true structural change is what they fear.
On the other hand, Republicans come right out with their distain for progressiveness, it's an affront to family values, an evil plot by conniving globalist elites. They also fear change, (apparent in the word conservative), and have no issue saying that. In fact, a past glory is what they seek. A mythical time when men, women and children knew their place and all was good and proper.
Handmaid's Tale or two-faced, regardless of the approach, the result is the same. Neither side is relinquishing their power. They are not entertaining a world beyond capitalism. Profit will always eclipse ethics. And to cloud over this shameful truth, fear mongering, scapegoating, ridiculing and rage baiting are employed. Deceive with populism or duplicitousness. Resort to immediate polar opposite views on issues and hype up the base to follow suit. Divide and conquer as they say!
They have no intention of changing a system that empowers them. Certainly not significant change for the better, but certainly for the worse!
This is a realization I came to long ago, as did many others. An understanding of US politics and politics world-wide that becomes more obvious and frustrating. A situation, we the people, either don't fully comprehend or accept out of a perceived powerlessness.
But must it be so futile?
Are we such slaves to our conditioning that we can't think beyond our upbringing and environment? So emotionally immature that outrage is our immediate response? Can we not dig deeper, look farther, listen well? Feel beyond fear? If not, we will continue to be baited and captured by the powers that be.
A party to our own demise.