
Thursday, July 4, 2024

The oppression of the earth and other problems

Humans have colonized and oppressed the earth and all its non- human inhabitants. 

Using the typical justifications of the oppressor (superiority, divine right, progress), humans has overrun the earth trampling, gouging, abusing, devouring, killing. 

This out of balance world view has set the tone for human to human interaction. We see bullying and abuse in relationships, work places, families, schoolyards. We see sexism, racism, bigotry. 


Why do people insist on having heroes, someone to idolize? Why do we default to the good versus bad narrative when our hero turns out to be not so great after all? 

We can establish that the US is corrupt, hypocritical and violent without becoming Putin apologists. We can realize that the Democrats are not on the side of the people without believing that Trump is. We won't find our salvation in Republicans or Democrats, Labor or Tories and all their equivalents world-wide. Not in the populist right wing parties rearing their ugly heads. Not in any existing political system as long as capitalism, patriarchy and hierarchy are still present. (And that includes all the so-called communist regimes).

When you side with any of these parties, seeing them as the way forward to save the day, you are, inadvertently, aiding their terrible agendas. In other words, nothing will significantly change for the better, but will get worse. 

When you disseminate any form of climate change denial, and/or fall for anti-lgbtq+, and/or anti-vegan propaganda you become a mouthpiece for the powerful, you are doing their dirty work by keeping the people divided, by enabling cruelty, by allowing them to maintain wealth while destroying the planet. You are keeping them in power as we squabble. You are keeping things as they are which is exactly what they want. 

For all those who harp on about big pharma, what about big agriculture? Big oil? 

It is definitely right to be skeptical of huge corporations. But then one must interrogate the capitalist system we live under, interrogate any system that thrives on power. If the goal of profit and power is removed, then trust is reestablished.    

When you subscribe  to culture war rhetoric, you dismiss centuries of oppression, thus ignoring the reasons the oppressed have, finally, become so outspoken. You fall for the trap of division instead of taking your valid criticisms of current governments to their proper conclusions. That being, they want to stay in power and will do whatever it takes to get votes, be it fueling fear of change, or offering lip service to progressive mind sets. Don't fall for any of it. 

And while "liberal" governments encourage less meat eating, they, nonetheless, carry on with business as usual. This hypocrisy is frustrating, infuriating. But that's all that it is, hypocrisy, not a devious plan to weaken humanity by taking away our meat. Believing that is falling for big agriculture misinformation to confuse and deceive the public. It is falling for conspiracy theories that only serve to keep humanity trapped in fear, division, and on an eternal quest for a savoir.  

When you realize that the system doesn't benefit the people and that politicians only talk the talk, don't succumb to divisive and conspiratorial rhetoric, use your imagination to see beyond the current system. It's mind fucking to hear governments advocate for climate change solutions, while, simultaneously, continuing to support the same harmful deals and practices that have caused it. All those in power KNOW anthropogenic climate change is real, but they are not prepared to change the system and therefore shunt the responsibility to lower emissions onto the public.

But there is good news. Going vegan is actually something that the public can do to help. Going vegan is empowering. We have the power to change things. We can make significant change for the better with our purchases.

Veganism is an essential part of a paradigm shift that will usher in compassion and environmental repair. 

We are what we have been waiting for. 


Holy War.

An oxymoron of the worst kind.

How can war be holy? What kind of loving God promotes violence?

Surely scriptures that promote violence are expressing the thoughts of humans and not that of a divine being. 

A convenient mistranslation? 

A genuine misinterpretation of a metaphorical, spiritual battle?

Is the bible not simply a book of myths? Like myths from many cultures, should not all holy books be viewed as guidance from elders woven into stories? Stories from a past age that don't always apply to modern times. Stories that have been meddled with and mistranslated to promote a patriarchal agenda: war, punishment, sexism, homophobia, violence. 

Interpretations that cultivate the worst in humanity, keeping us in perpetual division. 

One might argue that violence is forbidden by scripture. That violent passages have been exaggerated by critics. But violence in the name of religion has occurred and still does.

So maybe, despite what bigoted and brainwashed people claim, the problem is not another's religion but all religions.


Traditionally, women have been told they are too emotional to be rational and, consequently, unfit to take part in worldly matters where a rational and realistic mind is required. 


Consider this, men are associated with anger, often uncontrollable anger. Anger is an emotion. An emotion that can lead to violence. 

Look at the state of the world. How's the anger working out?

Maybe, it's not that women are too emotional to be rational, rather that their emotions tell them, very rationally, that violence, war and revenge are ruinous and cruel and this is no way to live. Maybe, because this outlook doesn't suit patriarchy, women (other than the ones that tow the line and then some) have been kept out of power positions. Maybe, women know that men are too emotional.

Male energy gone wrong, toxic if you like. Childish. 

War. A boy's game turned into a sick reality.

The ending of the first Godfather perfectly expresses this point.

One of Michael Corleone's men closes the door on Michael's wife, Kay, leaving her alone in the hallway

Yes, you can analyze this as Michael having fully given in to the dark forces of his family, but that door closing on her, strikes me as such a powerful expression of men banning women from the so called real world, a place where violence, war and revenge are planned. A world that the delicate female nature can't handle.  Women would only try to discourage such actions without understanding the necessity of them. Without understanding the "real world".

But is this dismissal of female energy actually more a way for men to squash guilt, remorse and compassion? To close their minds and hearts to peace and reconciliation? Is female energy marginalized and controlled because it is a powerful warning that our world can not sustain such ongoing anger and destruction? Such greed?

I mean this in general terms because there are, certainly, women who are disposed to violence. I speak more about female energy that anyone can access.