
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Human Rights are Nature Rights

Humans have rights!
Yet maintaining the rights of all humans on this planet is a huge, ongoing issue. In this strange world we've created, Human Rights must constantly be challenged and monitored. But does it end there with humans?
What about animal rights?
Some of you will instantly agree that yes animals do have rights. Does that belief extend to all animals, including, let's say, the less cuddly ones like spiders, or flies? Or the ones you like to eat? From the magnificent whale to the minute microbe, who are we to say which living things have more worth and what it is that determines intelligence.

I believe we should include all living things in our quest for rights.

But then does the Earth have rights?
Lets break that down further. Tree Rights, Water Rights, Mountain Rights. What about the soil? What about the sky? Do we want clean air only for our benefit or does it have a right to be unpolluted?
I believe every aspect of the natural world is a  living, breathing, feeling part of this planet just like us. 

As long as we limit our perception of the oppressed to one group, we perpetuate oppression. Widen your focus beyond the inequality between genders, the inequality between the so called races, reach further than focus on sexual orientation and gender identity. Though these are highly important issues that need to be addressed, limited focus ultimately cannot bring true liberation. 
If one group is considered lesser then hierarchy is automatically made intact and oppression begins by default. If they are considered unworthy, immoral or subhuman, than hate is present and will undermine the cause. 
This is why organised religions fail. 
All organised religion is based on patriarchy. A hierarchical pyramid. Males rule first and foremost, together men and women rule over children, and finally, humans rule over everything else. The scriptures preach love yet teach segregation from the get-go. Therefore all religious teachings are tainted by hypocrisy.
I believe that to achieve true equality freedom fighters must aim to be open to all issues of discrimination, outright stated or personally acknowledged, and this includes the plight of non-human animals and non-human nature.
Solidarity, true solidarity! 
Now that will rock some foundations.

Having said all this, I am acutely aware of the fact that as a white, CisHet "first worlder", I am unencumbered by the emotional strain of dealing with, for example, racism, anti-lgbtq+ and extreme poverty. My easier circumstances allow me the head space to think about these things. It's a luxury, I know. 
Yet, I still say that to make real and lasting positive change, we as humans can not leave any life form behind on the journey to acceptance and compassion. 

The beginning is the destination.  

Oppression necessitates identifying. The oppressed group, be it race, gender, sexual orientation etc. is compelled to cleave together with their kind and celebrate their difference form the dominant group. How else can they shed light on the injustice they suffer?
In this instance strongly identifying is natural and positive. But it need not be permanent. Ultimately, in a world free of oppression, our sense of self would not be so wound up in such things. Ultimately, why should anyone care about another's sexual orientation or skin colour, for example?  Sure, we will always identify with some aspect of our life, but it should never be to the point that division, fear and superiority  are created and cultivated. 

"The lone worker will never escape from his life of poverty for ever and ever; he will go on existing in affliction as long as man is not man's protector, but his worst enemy." 
Taken from the book "Independent People" by Halldor Laxness. (1946).

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